Ojos Azules: The Uncommon Cat Here is cat breed that’s as new as it is rare. Many new breeds have been developed in recent history have catered to the ‘shock value’ or odd features of the cat’s appearance. Not so with the Ojos Azules. One look at this cat and you know that it was […]
Bengal Cat To understand your Bengal cat it is important to understand that the primary contributor to this breed is the Asian Leopard Cat, or Bengalensis – so named because the first known member of this cat was found swimming in the Sea of Bengal. The reason that is important is because of the unusual […]
Cat Breeds
American Shorthair Maine Coon Siamese Bengal Ojos Azules
American Shorthair The American Shorthair, formerly known as the Domestic Shorthair is widely believed to have come over on the Mayflower where they were employed in the service of rodent control – a job they kept while living with the colonists and for which they were very much valued. They bred and spread and during […]
Once in a while personal interests, the interests and enjoyment of others and the benefits and well being of another species conspire to create a win,win,win situation. So it is with the Nine Lives Cat Café in Indianapolis. Selena Hubbard and her father, Eric Hubbard had heard the concept of a Cat Cafe and wanted […]
For a long time people assumed that a bowl of water was fine for their pets – indeed, a downright luxury compared to a rain puddle or some other accumulation of water their pets had access to. Until recently pet fountains didn’t even exist. Now we know better, particularly cat owners, and many pet owners […]