New Design Style
In response to customers’ requests for a fountain that aggressive/playful cats won’t tip, for taller fountains and for the elimination of cord covers we have developed a new style of bowl.
In response to customers’ requests for a fountain that aggressive/playful cats won’t tip, for taller fountains and for the elimination of cord covers we have developed a new style of bowl.
When selecting a drinking fountain for longhair cats what do you look for? If your cat has long fur neither he, nor you like it getting wet. It becomes dirty easily and is
There are several breeds of flat faced cats popular in the US and they all face a specific though hardly overwhelming challenge when drinking. Flat-faced cats need a particular design of drinking fountain
We are often asked if we will make fountains with some particular attribute. For example a number of people request something small so we make it a point to create some with a
ThirstyCats creates many handmade designs of cat fountains which serve equally as well as indoor fountains for home decor and just plain personal enjoyment. Here is one such fountain. Our Pink Lotus Spray
All cats seem to be attracted to Bubble-up cat fountains but we recommend them for shorthair cats particularly as longhairs will likely get their neck fur wet when drinking. (We do have Cat
According to a recent study over 85% of all cats are attracted to stream cat water fountains because they are just generally attracted to the moving water of streams. Watch the video to