What Goes Into the Making of a Thirstycat Fountain

Genesis of a Handmade Ceramic Cat Water Fountain And why our cat water fountains and indoor fountains cost what they do. Because so many of the products we encounter today are mass produced, and inexpensive, many of us have become blind and insensitive to those which are not. How often do you encounter a handmade […]

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Ojos Azules Cat Breed

Ojos Azules: The Uncommon Cat Here is cat breed that’s as new as it is rare.  Many new breeds have been developed in recent history have catered to the ‘shock value’ or odd features of the cat’s appearance. Not so with the Ojos Azules. One look at this cat and you know that it was […]

Bengal Cat


Bengal Cat To understand your Bengal cat it is important to understand that the primary contributor to this breed is the Asian Leopard Cat, or Bengalensis – so named because the first known member of this cat was found swimming in the Sea of Bengal. The reason that is important is because of the unusual […]

American Shorthair Cat Breed

american shorthair

American Shorthair The American Shorthair, formerly known as the Domestic Shorthair is widely believed to have come over on the Mayflower where they were employed in the service of rodent control – a job they kept while living with the colonists and for which they were very much valued. They bred and spread and during […]

ThirstyCat Fountains