Vision: Cats see very well in low light but are as blind as we are in no light and don’t see as well as us in high light situations. Their vision is optimized for dawn and dusk but they do well on non-new moon nights. Naturally enough. They are nocturnal and in the wild do […]
Combing Cat – Now there’s a phrase many of us never expected to use but it turns out to be an important skill in the care of these creatures who just wouldn’t let us out of their lives. And it doesn’t take much. One of the most frequent activities we see cats performing is grooming. They’re […]
Many, possibly most, of the undesirable behavior of cats result from inadequate or even harmful elements within their environment. Often these result simply from us not knowing just what cats need in order to feel safe and be happy. This Faq page addresses those factors. Keep in mind that undesirable behavior such as house soiling […]
According to a recent study over 85% of all cats are attracted to stream cat water fountains because they are just generally attracted to the moving water of streams. Watch the video to see a few of our cat water fountains with streams and some cats using them.
Need A Cat Fountain? The short answer is yes, if you have a cat, you probably do need a cat fountain. But it’s not unequivocal. Does your cat seem to drink amply from his water bowl or have another source of running water? Is at least part of his diet comprised of wet or raw […]
One of the most important factors to realize concerning cats is how deeply and indelibly connected they are to their genetic and historical past. As so many cat behaviorists tell us, cats have one foot in domesticity and three in the wild and this explains much of their otherwise mysterious behavior. The relationship between cats […]