Man has exploited the inherent antimicrobial properties of copper since the earliest civilizations
It has been demonstrated clearly in many scientific studies conducted over several decades that copper has rapid, broad spectrum antimicrobial efficacy against some of the most toxic species of bacteria, fungi and viruses.
Ancient civilizations took advantage of the antimicrobial properties of copper long before the concept of microbes became understood in the nineteenth century. In addition to several copper medicinal preparations, it was also observed centuries ago that water contained in copper vessels or transported in copper conveyance systems was of better quality (i.e., no or little visible slime (biofilm) formation) than water contained or transported in other materials. Molecular mechanisms responsible for the antibacterial action of copper have been a subject of intensive research. Scientists are also actively demonstrating the intrinsic efficacies of copper alloy “touch surfaces” to destroy a wide range of microorganisms that threaten public health. 99.9% pure copper has this same effect in your cats’ fountains, helping prevent the build-up of undesirable materials. It is important that the copper be kept clean and not allowed to build up too much oxidation which will naturally occur.
Cleaning copper is simple, quick and easy. Simply soak it for a few minutes in a mixture of 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 cup of white vinegar to maintain the beneficial antimicrobial properties.
This is easily achieved simply by dropping the copper component into the solution occasionally. To our knowledge, Thirstycat Fountains is the only fountain maker that includes with almost every fountain a copper component which has this effect.*1 All our bubble-up designs have an antimicrobial copper spout (which you can use or not – the fountains all run perfectly without if you choose), and almost all our tower type designs – the Piazzas, leaf fountains etc., can include a copper component at no extra cost. Just ask. In addition, all our Cat Taps are made from this material. We have the one cat, the two cat and the 30 d Cat Taps as well as the copper Waterleaf and the Downflow Cat Tap. All are antimicrobial.
How We Create Anti-Microbrial Copper Tubing for a ThirstyCat Fountain
The finished piece is placed in the fountain it was designed for or if previously purchased, for a fountain of the same dimensions (each antimicrobial Cat Tap is made to fit a particular fountain), and tested. If any adjustments are necessary they are made, the piece is tested again and ready to go.
Here is a finished, antimicrobial downflow Cat Tap. And here is a video of making it:
See more of our fountains here.
Learn What to Look for in a Cat Water Fountain.
*1) Information taken in part from