
Please see ThirstyCats response below. –
“I didn’t see a single bad review so I had high hopes for this fountain. Beyond the fact that my cat has never taken a drink it is disappointment.

  • 1) I keep thinking the faucet has been left on. I try to adjust the flow but the exceptionally tiny dial (which barely moves) does not help. It is also a dark black and hard to tell max/min
  • I keep the tiny stopper in place but that doesn’t help
  • Also the motor is loud. I was going to get one of those new motor-less fountains but decided to try this instead – my very expensive mistake
  • 2) The electrical cord is short and I need to run an extension wire to plug in.
  • 3) It is very heavy and awkward to carry to the sink to wash and provide new water each week. I am going to spill the water or smash the fountain sometime.
  • 4) I was hoping / assuming even if my cat didn’t like it I would as a decorative item but it is just a noisy pain.”



  • 1) Concerning the water ‘noise’. You purchased the very loudest fountain we make with four channels of flow. That makes a fair bit of water sounds – the most of any. There is a video link of this fountain at the bottom of this response.
  • The dials on the AT-80 pumps do in fact work wonderfully well. They can become pushed outward during cleaning in which case they become less effective but that doesn’t happen often and is an easy fix. If you had a problem you need only have contacted us and we would have gladly and swiftly resolved the issue or replaced the pump if that is what was required. The dial turns 180 degrees from very low to very high and admittedly it is not very easy to turn but it does turn and it does work. We don’t make the pumps but we do buy the the highest quality pumps made anywhere, according to our extensive testing of many brands over many years. Max. and Min are very easy to determine. Max is with the top of the knob on the dial all the way counterclockwise, minimum is all the way clockwise. This is marked on the pump and true, not easy to read but once you know, you know.
  • The only way the ‘tiny stopper’ – what we call the ceramic insert, wouldn’t help gentle the flow would be if the dial was pushed out or the volume was turned too high. Every fountain that comes with one shows an image with it in place and at least one other with it out and the difference – the calm, tranquil body of water in the upper basin with it in and the bubble-up effect without it is clear. That is what it does. That is what it is for.
  • We test every pump and never send out a pump which makes noise. That is always our first criteria for selecting a pump. But a noise can develop, though that is rare, and fixable. Again, had you contacted us we would have been happy to resolve that issue.
  • 2) The cords is a little over 5 ft. If that was going to be an issue for you, you could have asked before buying. We’d have been happy to tell you.
  • 3) As to carrying it, you purchased one of the largest we make – almost 13 inches across and holding 11 cups, both of which facts were stated at the top of the description of the fountain listing which is there to inform the buyer of pertinent facts before purchasing.
  • 4) You could have also returned the fountain and in fact still can. It is our policy that fountains can be returned within one month of receipt. If there is something actually wrong with it we will refund shipping both ways. If it is because your cat won’t use it we do not refund shipping but do refund the full fountain price. This is all stated in our Policies.
  • As to your cat not using the fountain, there is not a lot we can do about that but we do have an entire FAQ (#4 under FAQ menu heading) dedicated to just that issue in which we give instructions of how to go about ensuring your cat does use and learns to love the fountain.
  • As so many reviewers have testified, we go to great lengths to make the most beautiful and the best functioning fountains worldwide and go to all lengths to please and satisfy our customers. That we were not able to do that for you is regrettable and would appear to be caused by a complete lack of communication. So potential customers reading this, please note: We are here to assist with any issue that may arise and will work to resolve those issues to your complete satisfaction. Most customers have no problems but if you do, we are here for you. That is not just a promise, it is a proven fact as so many of the reviews state.

The customer did return the fountain, for a full refund, and here is a video of it:

A video of this fountain in question

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ThirstyCat Fountains