When I decided to get a cat, I got a plastic fountain. I was ok with it, but it was huge and my one cat was a tiny girl. I had a neighbor with several pets so I gave it to her and got another plastic fountain. FULL of corners, tall, never got it clean. I didn’t know what to do. I don’t remember how I found this site. And swallowed a few times over the prices. But I ordered a small purple bubble up. My little old lady was attracted to to all the fountains, no problem. And then one day I dropped her food dish right on the fountain! She was sick and soon thereafter was confined to my bed. So I gave her all her water in a dish til I put her down. But I knew I wanted to get another cat and one day. browsing the site I saw a beautiful little fountain. I think it was intended to be an essential oil diffuser. But it had a small, straight-sided bowl that I thought would be hard to break accidently. So I bought it. And when I got my next cat, I already had a fountain for her. She had no problems with it either.
I have always given my cats the same filtered water I drink. But I have very hard water and do have a problem with calcium deposits on my fountain. I soak it in vinegar to get them off.
2 beautiful cats, 2 beautiful fountains
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