Everything I wanted and more

I had been researching different pet fountains for several months but there was something wrong with all of the them. I knew plastic was not good for kitties and most fountains on the market either had too many parts, they quit working too soon or weren’t able to be cleaned thoroughly. I also knew that ceramic was the way to go but I could never find one that was right until I accidentally came across Thirsty Cat Fountains during my research.

I looked at their entire website, read different reviews and even researched them on Google to find out all I could. I also contacted them with several questions, all of which were answered without hesitation. The price was a bit out of my range at first but I realized that you get what you pay for and this Fountain was the first one that really caught my eye as it had everything I needed. I knew I had to get one for my boy no matter what it took for me to do so. Although I liked several, I narrowed it down to one and ordered it.

It arrived within a few days all in one piece as it was obviously packaged with care. It was gorgeous and I couldn’t wait for my boy to be able to use it!

Not only has it been easy to clean and safe for Brendan but he loves it as much as I do. He meows for me to hurry up while cleaning so he can get it back even though I give him a bowl of water to drink from in the meantime. Even when it is close to being full, I can add a little bit more and it will entice him to drink more at that moment. I feel like he drinks more water with this fountain in general and that makes me happy. The quality and time making this fountain with the best design in mind makes it definitely worth the price and customer service can’t be beat. This is the only type of water fountain my boy will ever have. I’m glad I spent the money and gave it a chance. It’s everything I expected and more!

Thank you for caring about the safety and well being of my kitty and going above and beyond with your impeccable customer service! We sincerely Thank You!!

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ThirstyCat Fountains