I Love It, They Love It

I can’t tell you how much I love your thirsty fountain. I’ve had it now for almost a year, I can say what a well functional and ascetically beautiful fountain it is. Before I found you, I had bought the highest rated plastic fountain there was online, what a piece of $%# it was, they’re hard to clean, slimy, so many parts and angles, I would spend about 1/2 hour cleaning the unit, you have to constantly buy charcoal filters too. Your fountain is quick and easy to clean, they may be pricey but when you think of the time, headache and money your save in filters, these fountains are worth it. I have two cats who drink more water out of your fountain then they use to with the other, they love it. Thank you for saving my sanity and having my kids live a healthier life.
Norma I C

ThirstyCat Fountains