Quiet Cat Fountain of The Highest Quality


Quiet Cat Fountain How do you define ‘quiet’ as in “quiet cat fountain”? Certainly you mean no pump noise. We of ThirstyCats consider pump noise to be completely unacceptable and we test every pump before and after we install it. There are though some brands of cat fountains and pet fountains in which the pump […]

Mold-made vs Handmade Ceramic Cat Fountains

Mold-made Vs. Handmade. What Are The Differences And Do They Matter? Mold-made Ceramic Cat Fountains Handmade Ceramic Cat Fountains Mold-made fountains are created by pouring low density, wet clay called slip into plaster molds. Handmade ceramic fountains are made of high density clay, thrown on the potters wheel with handbuilt center pieces. There Are Two […]

Ceramic Cat Fountains

ceramic cat fountains

Veterinarian J. Eichenberg tells us: “Many cat owners are not even aware of the existence of cat fountains. Many of those who are, are unaware of the higher quality options available to them because the market is flooded with inexpensive and well marketed plastic and cheap stainless steel cat fountains. But far and away the […]

ThirstyCat Fountains