* 4.25 inches high and 13.5 inches in diameter.
* 16 cup capacity
A very large capacity, irregularly shaped fountain with a wonderfull Waterlily with a spray head seed pod from which three streams emerge and fall onto the waterlily pads (you can adjust the flow). The glazes are Midnight on the bowl and the waterlily has a light chartreuse seed pod (the spray head), yellow inner petals and pure white outer petals. The waterlily flower and three of the lily pads are all one piece, The spray nozzle can be removed and the fountain run as a bubble-up and the five lily pads in the bowl can be repositioned to suit your tastes. REDUCED because of a tiny flaw on the rim of the bowl. This is not easily noticed and has no effect. Please see the last image. This is a desig we will not often do.
This fountain does not take any of the Cat Taps.
Everything is included. Simply fill with water and plug in. SEE THIS PAGE FOR DETAILS.