thirstycatfountainsThirstyCat Fountains Studio

The second floor of this Victorian building at Varak Park is the home of  the Thirstycat Fountains Studio. A good sized space at about 3,000 square feet, replete with all the tools, equipment and work areas we need to create what many consider to be the highest quality cat drinking fountains and pet drinking fountains in the world. Our environment is creative, productive and positive. We are not a factory that mass produces fountains. Rather each fountain is handmade from start to finish, one at a time, one of a kind. We all work together, each person contributing ideas, talents and abilities and collaborating to bring you a cat drinking fountain you and your cats will be pleased and we dare say, proud to own. We are  Jackie, Joyce, Nikea and Keith.

Feel free to visit (call first please – 518-677-3225), and anyone with questions about us, our product & services is encouraged to call, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time. We are dedicated to two things – creating the highest quality and most beautiful cat water fountain worldwide and providing excellent customer service. No question need go unanswered or issue unresolved.


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