* 3.75 inches high and 12 inches in diameter.
* 12 cup capacity
Three streams emerge from the spray nozzle and fall into the lily leaves (you can adjust the flow) of this beautiful waterlily spray fountain, or take out the nozzle and use the fountain as a raised bubble-up. The bowl glaze is in Lapis with Bright Kelp Dark Pink Chocoate, Bright Green and Bright Saffron on the flower and sprayer. Note that the leaves, the sprayer and the waterlily center piece simply lift out and are not attached.
Your cats can drink from the blossom, the streams and the bowl. A beautiful fountain for cats and home.
This fountain does not take any of the Cat Taps, the Serenity Flow or the copper Waterleaf.
Everything is included. Simply fill with water and plug in. SEE THIS PAGE FOR DETAILS.