This Page Demonstrates The Different Levels Of Sounds Our Cat Fountains Make

This chart shows the various sound levels of various activities measured in Decibels, expressed as dB.


This is a medium-loud cat fountain with four streams. The streams fall a good distance but the sound level is not very high. This is because the streams are smooth – not turbulent, and they fall at the base of the center piece which also diminshes the water sounds.

3 – 18 dB

The purpose of this video is to show how silent and how loud a raised bubble-up can be. Almost all raised bubble-up fountains can be completely silent, not all can have as much water sounds as this Ebony Piazza has. Note how quiet the fountain with the ceramic insert is. Almost all No-spout Piazza fountains have an insert.

0 – 14 dB

You can run a bubble-up essentially silently (you’re cat will hear it), or with considerable burbling sounds.

0 – 7 dB

Notice that this fountain is louder than the first fountain shown with four spouts though the water isn’t falling nearly as far and there are only two streams. That is owing to the turbulence of the second stream. The first is silent.

3 – 13 dB

The Flying Fish has an abundant stream which makes a gentler pouring sound rather than a trickling sound.

3 – 10 dB

Two, somewhat turbulent streams give this Sea Blossom fountain considerable water sounds, though mitigated by where the water is landing. On a lower setting there will be less sound.

3 – 8 dB

Notice how the sound is a little louder and slightly more ‘harsh’ owing to the more turbulent streams. This is also owing to the size of the streams, the distance they are faling and the fact that they are falling directly into water.

3 – 8 dB

The Serenity Flow can be silent or can give some pleasant water sounds when the volume is turned up. Where the stream lands is more important than how far it shoots. Notice that when the stream lands on the center piece (when Arlo is not drinking), the sound stops.

0 – 6 dB

Here we have a very quiet Serenity Flow. Almost all bubble up fountains can take either a Serenity Flow or a Downflow, which are also silent.

0 – 6 dB

Spray nozzles fountains can provide quite a bit of sound.

1 – 18 dB

This is another 2 strean with medium to low water sounds. The sound volume would not change much but the nature of the sound itself would deepen if there was more water in the bow

3 – 10 dB

ThirstyCat Fountains